Why Tho? An ill-advised look at social media had me feeling really left out

To Lizzy,

For the past few years, I have largely stopped using social media. However, I recently made the mistake of going into one of Mark Zuckerberg’s society killers, where I saw a picture of a group of my coworkers, including two of my closest friends, enjoying what appeared to be a fun house party. Even though I wasn’t on the same team as my pals, it still hurt to not receive the invitation, so it’s plausible that they were merely getting together because they were once on the same squad. Should I be as passive-aggressive as possible when I bring it up?

A co-friend

Greetings, Co-Friend

Naturally, your initial error was accessing social media. Having a device that enabled you to log on was your second.

In his song “Live Like a Baby,” which I’ve been listening to a lot lately, Caspar Babypants offers some of the best advice I’ve ever heard: “Throw your computer in a lake.”

Alright, I understand that you or anyone else’s situation is probably not going to be solved in the long run, but it seems like it would help right now, don’t you think?

Given that we worry about the health of fish and that we occasionally check social media because we live in 2025, what can be done if we can’t throw gadgets in the lake?

Assume the best at all times. This isn’t about you, buddy. Actually, you could already know the solution. These individuals belonged to a team that you were not simultaneously a part of. Could it be that they were getting together in some way? of that group? that you didn’t have on?

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It’s probably even, in my opinion.

For instance, I met up with a bunch of guys last week who used to sit next to me in the office when we first started working there. Three of them no longer work for us, and one of them was actually wearing a mask when I last saw them outside during the pandemic.

They asked me to their reunion since they were all on the same team and I was the obnoxious one who sat next to them and made comments about everything they did. Other than that, though, it was a particular team from a particular location and time.

Here’s what I suggest: Ask any or all of the coworkers you saw in the photo whether you would want to get together! It’s as simple as that. It wasn’t personal, so stop taking it personally that you weren’t invited. Get rid of any texts that are passive-aggressive. And ask them to join you for a beer.

Throw your computer in a lake if you want to.

I wish you luck!


Do you have a pressing question? My email address is [email protected]. Alternatively, you may use this Google form to ask me a question in complete anonymity.

See Why Tho? for additional information.

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