Which is worse on your resume: Showing a 4-year gap or including non-career roles?

To Sam, please:Regarding addressing a professional gap on my CV, I have a query. My resume’s most recent employment was during the first summer of the pandemic. I had a few temporary jobs after that, but I haven’t listed them on my CV because I left them to look for full-time employment because they didn’t work out. Naturally, excluding them results in a 4-year lapse in my employment history between 2020 and 2024. I want to know if the gap will make it harder for me to acquire employment or if it would be preferable to include those temporary positions that have nothing to do with my profession. Furthermore, I can’t recall the duration or timing of those jobs. H.L.

To H.L.,Excellent query. That kind of gap begs the question of what you were up to throughout those four years. Including your temporary, part-time positions and emphasizing the transferability of those experiences is preferable than leaving 2020–2024 blank.

To remind you of previous employment time frames, I would go over end-of-year tax forms again. Recalling the years you spent in such roles would be acceptable because you are not need to provide months for your experiences. When adding such jobs, keep the following in mind:

It’s more crucial to demonstrate that you didn’t just leave the workforce for four years; rather, you remained actively involved in your career, acquired new skills, and demonstrated a dedication to securing a long-term position based on your decisions.

I hope this helps you create a CV that has more impact.


career advice

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Samantha Nolan, the founder and CEO of Nolan Branding, is a career expert and advanced personal branding strategist. For Dear Sam, do you have a resume, career, or job hunt question? Samantha can be reached at [email protected]. You can visit www.nolanbranding.com or give 888-9-MY-BRAND or 614-570-3442 a call to learn more about Nolan Branding’s offerings.

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