The World Naked Bike Ride scheduled a 2025 date in Portland after taking a hiatus in 2024.
World Naked Bike Ride advised demonstrators to put June 28, 2025, on their calendars on Instagram.
In an effort to raise awareness of body acceptance, rider safety, and fossil fuels, the World Naked Bike Ride attracted riders in various degrees of undress for its inaugural event in 2004.
In 2023, around 10,000 riders attended the final ride.
The group declared in 2024 that it had started planning for the 2024 ride but that it lacked sufficient volunteer backing.
On their Facebook page at the time, organizers stated that making the protest accessible and safe was a massive task that had taken months to prepare. We hold the PDXWNBR to a high level, with extensive volunteer organizing, neighborhood outreach, and coordination with organizations like TriMet and Portland Parks & Recreation, as for many Portlanders, it may be their only ride of the year. With local singers, artists, bike mechanics, medical professionals, and other community partners on hand, our past has also demonstrated how a little extra preparation can make the protest even more friendly.
The event’s theme, time, and venue have not yet been disclosed. To deter bystanders, the World Naked Bike Ride route is frequently kept secret. Ogling is discouraged because the bike ride is a communal event and protest. There will be other naked cycling events in Portland this summer, even though the Official World Naked Bike Ride is scheduled for late June.
In August, a spin-off of the World Naked Bike Ride also announced a ride. The nonprofit organization Umbrella, which promotes the World Naked Bike Ride and other regional cycling events, is not connected to this group.
But after the 2024 event was canceled, this independent group managed to improvise a substitute World Naked Bike Ride. A die-in at Zenith Energy marked the end of it.
“This year’s ride will intensify calls for environmental justice by holding Zenith Energy and the City of Portland accountable for practices that harm residents and the environment, building on the momentum from the 2024 protest,” the organizers said in a news statement.
When asked how they intend to live with the original ride, the offshoot route’s organizers did not respond.