All house transfers in outside NE Portland registered between January 6 and January 12 are listed below. During this period, nine transactions were posted. At $463,000, a 1,047-square-foot house on Portland’s Northeast Holladay Street was the area’s median sale during this time.
Portland, Oregon; $200,000; 1,188 square feet; $168 per square foot; three bedrooms; one bathroom; 4715 N.E. 100th Ave.
Portland, Oregon; $299,900; 876 square feet; $342 per square foot; two bedrooms; one bathroom; 8517 N.E. Milton Street.
$381,000, 1,475 square feet, $258 per square foot, three bedrooms, and two bathrooms at 8719 N.E. Everett Street, Portland.
Five bedrooms, one bathroom, 1,264 square feet, $326 per square foot, 12605 N.E. Holladay Place, Portland, $411,500.
$463,000, 1,047 square feet, $442 per square foot, three bedrooms, and two bathrooms at 15876 N.E. Holladay Street in Portland.
1,573,900, 1,683 square feet, $282 per square foot, two bedrooms, and two bathrooms at 15017 N.E. Hoyt Street, Portland.
Portland, Oregon; $490,000; 1,426 square feet; $344 per square foot; three bedrooms; two bathrooms; 15211 N.E. Schuyler Court.
Portland, $535,000, 1,476 square feet, $362 per square foot, three bedrooms, and two bathrooms, 715 N.E. 108th Ave.
There are four bedrooms, two bathrooms, 3,176 square feet, and a price tag of $641,000 at 15015 N.E. Multnomah Street in Portland.
United Robots offers a service called Real Estate Newswire that leverages machine learning to produce analysis of data from Propmix, a national real estate data aggregator.
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