Readers respond: Supportive housing needs ongoing support

For ten years, I experienced homelessness. I believe it’s critical that people understand how funding for homelessness services affects individuals like me as we debate the future of the Supportive Housing Services measure and whether or not to extend that funding (Opinion: Metro Council should reject proposal to cut tax rate for homeless services, Dec. 22).

I returned to housing five years ago thanks to a charity grant, and I’ve been living in the same apartment ever since. However, my difficulties are far from done. I know there is no safety net for me, and I live hand to mouth.

We frequently see volatility even after people escape homelessness; for example, my rent is increased year, but the disability benefits I rely on are not. Since I know how difficult it is to leave homelessness and that support needs don’t go away after we sign a lease, I can see the necessity for continuing programs that provide supportive housing services.

I’m really appreciative of what I have. I give thanks to God every day for my kitchen and shower. In addition, I am deeply saddened by the folks I know who continue to live on the streets. To overcome the homelessness epidemic and work toward a time when none of us must live in constant dread of being evicted from our homes, our community needs continuous assistance.

Griffiths, Bettyjo, Portland

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