Readers respond: Maintain land around PGE lines

near order to obtain a permit for a new power plant near Clatskanie and new transmission lines in Columbia County, Portland General Electric underwent the Oregon Energy Facility Siting procedure in 2001. In order to avoid paying BPA for transmission charges, PGE was able to wheel their own power thanks to the new transmission lines.

PGE employees promised the public that the new power transmission corridors will be kept to the highest standards during each public meeting, including those held in Clatskanie, at the former Trojan Nuclear plant, and during the EFSC hearing. They haven’t. The corridor is choked by invasive species like Russian thistle, Himalayan blackberry, and Scotch broom.

The maintained BPA lines run directly parallel to the PGE lines. Those who are opposed to the PGE proposal should visit Wonderly Road, which is outside of Rainier, so they can see directly how the promised maintenance differs from the actual upkeep.

Rainier and Paul Langner

Visit to read further letters to the editor.

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