Readers respond: Elections process leaves constituents in the dark

One of the three Portland city councilors who represent District 2 was chosen as the new city council president, according to what I’ve read (Portland City Councilor Elana Pirtle-Guiney elected to powerful council president job, Jan. 2). Well done.

I cast a ballot in the election and live in District 2. I would like to know who Elena Pirtle-Guiney is.

You see, I’m represented by someone I didn’t know until after the election because of our clumsy electoral procedure. Therefore, I’m not sure if she understands my worries as a District 2 resident.

According to her resume, she is a close buddy of organized labor, so I’m sure she’s worried about homelessness and cheap housing, just like everyone else.

However, is she familiar with agency budgets, housing development incentives, or the permitting process? The shift away from home ownership across the country? Services for emergencies? Who knows? Since she has never addressed us, many of her constituents don’t.

I hope she has luck.

Portland’s Stephen Brooks

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