Peoria Restaurant’s Late-Night Liquor License in Jeopardy Amid Neighborhood Concerns

Peoria Restaurant's Late-Night Liquor License in Jeopardy Amid Neighborhood Concerns

The fate of Hacienda el Mirador’s request for a late-night liquor license extension until 2 a.m. is uncertain, hinging largely on feedback from local neighborhood associations.

Located in Peoria’s Junction City, the restaurant currently holds a license allowing alcohol service until 1 a.m. but seeks to extend hours from Thursday to Saturday to accommodate monthly dance nights featuring a DJ or live music.

However, the Peoria Liquor Commission previously denied the request in July, citing concerns about potential noise disturbances for nearby residents.

Both the Peoria Police Department and the city’s legal department expressed reservations about the extension, despite another Junction City bar operating with a similar license without issue.

City Councilman Denis Cyr, representing the 5th District where the restaurant is located, has deferred a final decision, awaiting input from the neighborhood.

Resident Carol Long, a former president of the North Prospect Neighborhood Association, indicated that as long as the events remain indoors, there would be no objections from the community.

For more detailed coverage on Hacienda el Mirador’s liquor license request, visit

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The final decision could set a precedent for how late-night operations are handled in Peoria’s residential areas.

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