Oregon job applicant with face tattoo sues for $50K, claiming convenience store refused to hire him

A $50,000 lawsuit has been filed in Multnomah County by a job candidate who claims that a convenience store chain refused to hire him due to a noticeable face tattoo.

Because Christopher La Caze’s tattoos, which include Celtic knots over his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, symbolize his faith of animism, his lawsuit alleges that the decision amounts to religious discrimination. The idea that everything has a spirit or soul, including inanimate objects like plants, animals, and rocks, is commonly referred to as animism.

La Caze’s LinkedIn page features a picture of him and his tattoo. La Caze’s tattoo and job denial are described in the lawsuit using the pronoun his. La Caze uses the pronouns We/Us, according to their LinkedIn profile. For this report, neither La Caze nor Marc Schworm, La Caze’s Portland attorney, could be reached for comment.

Although it doesn’t state which Jacksons Food Stores location La Caze interviewed for, the lawsuit, which was filed earlier this month, claims that she did. According to the lawsuit, a hiring manager gave La Caze a job offer but then informed him that he couldn’t be recruited because of his face tattoo and that he would have to apply for a religious exemption.

Jacksons Food Stores spokesperson Shane Wright stated that due to the ongoing legal proceedings, the company is unable to address La Caze’s particular accusations.

But, Wright wrote in an email, “We are proud that our company is steadfast in its commitment to offering accommodations to anyone with religious beliefs.”

According to Wright, workers who have tattoos on their faces or heads are required to cover them up while at work and may do so using cosmetics, a face mask, or another accessory. “The company is willing to work with employees on the issue if the size or location of the tattoos make it impossible to completely cover them,” Wright added.

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According to Wright, the company currently has a number of face-tattooed employees in Oregon and other states.

With 33 locations in the Portland region, the network, which is established in Idaho, has more than 300 locations throughout the western United States.

Major companies like Disney and UPS have taken the demand that all tattoos be covered out of their employee handbooks in recent years. The adjustments are made as companies struggle with a lack of workers and recognize that tattoos are now a more commonplace and mainstream aspect of society.Starbucks accepts tattoos as long as they are not offensive, profane, racial, or sexual, and they are not on the face or throat. Tattoos and other body art that is difficult to hide on the face or neck are generally prohibited by the Portland Police Bureau. An assistant chief must approve tattoos on the hands and wrists.

However, it is rarely discussed how tattoo policies relate to the professed religious beliefs of employees. According to La Caze’s lawsuit, he inquired about Jacksons Food Stores’ receipt of his religious exemption after being turned down for a position there. According to his lawsuit, the employee he spoke with refused to discuss it and hung up.

La Caze is requesting compensation for mental distress and lost income.

Aimee Green reports on the legal system and breaking news. You can contact her at [email protected] or @o_aimee, or 503-294-5119.

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