New Seasons workers end 9-day strike, agree to mediation over fired labor leader

Workers at New Seasons Market have called off a nine-day walkout that they claim was started when the employer dismissed their union organizer and longtime coworker for taking a break.

After a protracted collective bargaining session on Wednesday, the corporation and a union official announced the strike ended Thursday.

Their message to customers changed at that point.

Customers may anticipate business as normal, according to a statement sent by email from New Seasons.

Customers are being asked to boycott New Seasons until a contract is reached between the union and the supermarket, according to Ava Robins, co-chair of the New Seasons Labor Union.

The issue of whether union treasurer Randy Foster, who the union claims was fired on January 28 for assisting a coworker in closing his register while Randy was on break, will be reinstated as the union requests remains unanswered.

According to the union, Foster had a perfect disciplinary record for almost 19 years before being singled out twice in the last two months for breaking the rules, both times to assist a coworker who was legally blind.

Workers at the New Seasons Arbor Lodge store went on strike on January 28 in response to what they claim were unfair labor practices, citing the union’s claim that the termination was unfair. Over the next few days, walkouts extended to a number of other Portland establishments.

Despite refusing to address Foster directly, New Seasons charged that the union was spreading a false narrative.

According to the business’s response, “any suggestion that staffing decisions are influenced by coworker support or union affiliation is unequivocally unfounded—and we remain committed to handling terminations with a fair and consistent application of all company protocols.”

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According to Robins, the co-chair of the union, the union and the grocer decided to continue their conversation about Foster’s termination through mediation via the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service.

When employees at the Seven Corners business banded together in 2022, the union was created. Although they haven’t reached an initial labor agreement, other locations have since joined.

–Jonathan Bach covers real estate and housing. You can contact him by phone at 503-221-4303 or by email at [email protected].

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