¿Necesita ayuda legal en materia de inmigración? Estos grupos en Houston ofrecen servicios gratuitos o de bajo costo.

According to census data, Harris County is home to more than 1.3 million foreign-born residents; however, many of them have been placed in legal limbo in recent years due to changes made to the DACA program and the legal status of citizenship for the children of U.S. citizens.

President Donald Trump has taken action to end the programs that protect many immigrants in the United States. These residents are now required to give priority to any pending legal proceedings by the organizations that provide legal assistance.

There are numerous options for legal services that are either free or inexpensive. Moving forward, the following are some examples that focus on helping immigrant families in Houston today:

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Caridades Cat licas de la Arquidi cesis de Galveston-Houston

Catholics of the Arquidi Cesis of Galveston-Houston provide free and inexpensive legal services to immigrants and refugees through the St. Frances Cabrini Center for Legal Assistance for Inmigrants.

Types of services: Legal assistance for asylum cases, DACA, temporary protection status (TPS) and citizen requests, family petitions, adjustment of asylum and refugee status, visas for convicted criminals, defense of deportation, and education regarding their rights.

Requirements: Eligibility varies depending on the situation. To evaluate cases in situ, the organization hosts Charlas three times a month.

Costs: Consultations are free and need prior registration through their website.

C mo contactarlos: Call 713-595-4100 for further information. If you have any questions about citizens, send an email to [email protected]. Please send an email to [email protected] with any questions you may have about the Charlas.

Church World Service-Houston

CWS Houston is a legitimate organization that provides low-cost legal assistance and support services to immigrants, asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, and other populations receiving arrivals and mixed-status migrants.

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Types of services include mental health services, legal assistance in asylum cases, TPS, case management for refugees, and education regarding their rights.

Requisitions: The criteria are based on the requirements of the suppliers that they receive.

Costs: the cost may vary depending on the service’s function and the requesters’ income level.

C can reach them: For questions and consultations, call 346-200-9951 or send an email to CWS at [email protected].

Galveston-Houston Immigrant Representation Project

CWS Houston is a legitimate organization that provides low-cost legal assistance and support services to immigrants, asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors, and other populations receiving arrivals and mixed-status migrants.

Types of services include mental health services, legal assistance in asylum cases, TPS, case management for refugees, and education regarding their rights.

Requisitions: The criteria are based on the requirements of the suppliers that they receive.

Costs: the cost may vary depending on the service’s function and the requesters’ income level.

C can reach them: For questions and consultations, call 346-200-9951 or send an email to CWS at [email protected].

Among their events are seminars for TPS and Documento de Autorizaci n de Empleo (EAD) requests. For further information, call 713-561-3059 or send an email to [email protected].

Every two months, starting at 9 p.m., Conozca’s Rights sessions are held in Galveston at St. Vincent’s House, located at 2817 Post Office St.

The deadline for free consultations focused on the supervision of criminals and treatment of individuals is every third month in Houston at 6001 Savoy Drive, Ste. 400, starting at 8:30 a.m.

Free general immigration consultations are available every month on the third floor at 6001 Savoy Drive, Ste. 400, starting at 8:30 a.m.

Colaboraci n de Servicios Legalos de Inmigraci n en Houston

The Houston Immigration Legal Services Collaborative is a network of local organizations that work together to improve access to essential legal services in the Houston area.

Types of services: Through the direct line of resources for immigrants in Houston, the collaboration provides information on immigration policies, referrals to providers of legal services at no cost or at a reduced cost, references to social services, organizations representing immigrants’ rights, and other resources.

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C mo contactar:For direct access, call 1-833-468-4664 from Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

There are no specific requirements to gain access to the nea directa.

Cost: Depending on the level of income, the cost may change.

Justice for All Immigrants

Justice for All Immigrants is a nonprofit organization that provides legal immigration assistance, education, and defense to people in Houston, San Antonio, and Corpus Christi.

Types of Services: They offer assistance with asylum cases, citizen applications, DACA, TPS, awareness of their rights, defense of deportation for detained individuals, and humanitarian visas such as those related to the Violence Against Women Law and other crime victims.

Requirements: The organization focuses its efforts on low-income individuals who live below the poverty line.

Cost: May vary depending on the level of income and the subvention qualification.

C mo comunicarlos:For more information or to schedule a consultation, call 713-454-6470.

Memorial Assistance Ministries

Memorial Assistance Ministries provides low-cost and free immigration services to Houston area residents. provides information, education, and legal assistance to those with low incomes.

Types of services: These include assistance with DACA and citizen requests, preparation classes for citizen interviews, family petition cases, and limited U visas.

Requisitos:Los ingresos de las personas deben ser inferiores al 400 por ciento de las pautas federales de pobreza y vivir en la regi n de Houston o en un condado vecino.

Cost: While assistance to citizens is free, assistance with other types of cases requires a low legal fee.

C mo contactarlos:Las inscripciones para las consultas est n disponibles a trav s de su sitio webaqu .Tambi n puede llamar al 713-929-9280 o enviar un correo electr nico a [email protected].

Pr ximos eventos:Se celebrar una cl nica de ciudadan a el viernes 28 de febrero de 2025. Los solicitantes debenregistrarse en l nea aqu.

See also  Fiscales locales pueden tener gran impacto en su caso de inmigración. Esto es lo que debe saber.

Tahirih Justice Center

ElTahirih Justice Centeres una organizaci n sin fines de lucro que atiende a mujeres, ni as e inmigrantes de todos los g neros que han sobrevivido a la violencia de g nero y ya residen en los EE. UU. La organizaci n ofrece servicios sociales y apoyo legal gratuitos, as como capacitaci n y educaci n.

Tipos de servicios:Servicios legales y sociales interdisciplinarios para inmigrantes sobrevivientes de violencia de g nero y solicitantes de asilo, as como reunificaci n familiar, solicitudes de residencia permanente y ciudadan a.

Requisitos:Sus servicios se centran en personas que se enfrentan o huyen de la violencia de g nero, y en los familiares afectados.

Coste:Los servicios son gratuitos para quienes cumplan los requisitos.

C mo contactarlos:Llame al 1-866-575-0071 para obtener informaci n, referencias y asistencia.

Programas de Servicios Internacionales de la YMCA

Los Programas de Servicios Internacionales de la YMCAincluyen asesoramiento y representaci n legal para los residentes de la zona a trav s de la YMCA de Houston.

Tipos de servicios:Asistencia en casos de asilo, solicitudes de DACA y TPS, defensa contra la deportaci n, ciudadan a y residencia permanente, visas para supervivientes de delitos, Servicios Jur dicos para Afganos, Servicios Jur dicos para Ucranianos, representaci n para determinados menores no acompa ados.

Requisitos:Todos los miembros de la comunidad interesados deben asistir a una consulta con un representante legal antes de iniciar los servicios jur dicos de inmigraci n.

Costo:Var a en funci n del nivel de ingresos. Las personas con ingresos inferiores o iguales al 200 % de las directrices federales de pobreza pueden optar a una representaci n gratuita.

C mo comunicarlos:Para programar una consulta, llame al 713-758-9280.

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Necesita ayuda legal en materia de inmigraci n? Estos grupos en Houston ofrecen servicios gratuitos o de bajo costo.

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