Miss Manners: Large pieces of meat, atop a filled bowl, create dining dilemma

Greetings, Miss Manners I often find myself eating a big piece of meat on top of an overflowing bowl, whether it’s a large piece of grilled chicken on an overflowing salad bowl or tennis-ball-sized meatballs precariously poised on a full bowl of pasta, in both casual and fancy restaurants.

How should the highlighted protein be cut? Should I put it on a bread plate so my dinner guests can see me chopping? Or should I eat around the meat till I can see the bottom of the dish?

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GENTLE READER: Use your knife and fork to gently press the meat into smaller pieces on top of the remaining food, making sure not to spill the remainder of the bowl upon it.

The benefit of this approach is that it guarantees that every protein bite is accompanied with some pasta or salad, which is typically the original purpose of the addition. The bread platter is typically too tiny, therefore Miss Manners advises asking the waitress for another plate if the task is impossible. You can also ask if the meat is pre-cut before placing your order.

Miss Manners can be reached by email at [email protected], via her website at www.missmanners.com, or by mail at Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.

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