Liz Weston: Government pension offset changes to Social Security are coming, but will take time

To Liz, please:Because I got a government pension and was therefore disqualified due to the offset rule, I was previously refused a portion of my husband’s Social Security. Since my husband passed away, I’m wondering if I would be qualified to get Social Security survivor payments now that the legislation is changing.

Answer: On January 5, the Social Security Fairness Act was signed into law, eliminating the government pension offset and the windfall elimination clause. Those who received pensions from government occupations that did not contribute to Social Security were impacted by these two rules.

If you have previously applied for benefits that were partially or fully offset, Social Security says you don’t need to do anything, but you should make sure the agency has your current address and direct deposit details. By creating or upgrading a mySocialSecurity account at, you can accomplish that. If they haven’t applied for Social Security, people on government pensions can do so at

While Social Security continues to work on this significant change, you can check for updates.

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Lost documents on home repairs may be found at local building departments

To Liz, please:A house seller who had misplaced documentation regarding modifications recently asked you a query. Building permits, which would have revealed the extent of the improvements and perhaps their cost, were probably necessary for the improvements. Copies of those permits will be available for a small fee from the local building department.

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Response: I’m grateful. Due to recent wildfires, far too many people in the Los Angeles area now find themselves in a similar situation as the initial letter writer, who lost their documents in a house fire.

Liz Weston, a Certified Financial Planner, writes a column for NerdWallet about personal finance.She can be contacted by phone at 3940 Laurel Canyon, No. 238, Studio City, CA 91604, or via the contact form.

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