Letter from the Editor: Return to broadsheet format means new features, puzzles, comics

Hold on, readers. You’re going to see some changes soon.

This week, print versions of The Oregonian will resume using the conventional broadsheet format. Instead of the squarish, compact shape we’ve been using for the past ten years, the newspaper that arrives on doorsteps on Wednesday will be more of a long rectangle.

Readers of the online newspaper will notice other changes to our pages as a result of the move, which goes into effect on Tuesday. You can email me at [email protected] or phone the Public Editor line at 503-221-8221 to share your thoughts.

Locally relevant stocks will be printed, but other elements of the weekday Money & Markets page will be transferred to the online newspaper, which members can access at theoregonian.com.

Additionally, the online newspaper replaces the prime-time television grid. There is a Sunday TV feature in the online newspaper.

The online newspaper is published seven days a week and is free for print subscribers. Online account activation is available to subscribers at activate.oregonlive.com.

Instead of four pages, the Sunday Opinion section will now be three. However, there is about the same quantity of opinion content because the broadsheet pages are larger. We’ll have a page with national opinion columnists and another with local opinions on Wednesdays.

Currently published on Saturdays in the online newspaper, the Success personal finance feature will now be available online on Sundays.

The Miss Manners advice column is now only available on OregonLive, atoregonlive.com/advice, instead of the online newspaper.

The columns “Asking Eric,” “Carolyn Hax,” and “Dear Annie” will be printed.Dear Abby, the online newspaper will feature a new pets column, Hints from Heloise with housekeeping ideas, and supplementary content on parenting and health advice.

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The weekly Earthweek bonus feature in the online newspaper is being phased out.

The features sections Home (Wednesdays), A&E (Fridays), and Life & Culture (Sundays) will now be called Life instead.

The Daily Jumble and Sudoku will remain popular among readers. Wonderword has been replaced by a new puzzle called Scrabblegrams. There are two pages of puzzles on Sundays. Premier Crossword and Cryptoquip are no longer available in the classifieds area.

Aces on Bridge is now on the puzzles page instead of the classifieds.

Additionally, the Today’s Crossword Puzzle for the week that is located in the Classifieds section disappears. In addition to the daily crossword that now appears on the comics pages, readers will continue to view the New York Times crossword every day. Readers protested the shift in puzzles on the comics pages, therefore we added the daily categorized puzzle, as puzzle enthusiasts will remember. However, we are abandoning that puzzle because there are now so many more available online.

Visit atoregonlive.com/puzzles/andoregonlive.com/puzzles-society to view all of the puzzles available online.

With the switch to broadsheet, we won’t be discontinuing any daily comics, but the layouts will alter because of the changing page sizes. Some newspapers will switch from print to online, so you may need to search around to discover your favorites.

Forty of the most popular comics, including those with seven-day narratives, will be featured in the publication on Sunday, both online and in print. Some of our current comics will no longer be available, but they will still be available on OregonLive.com/comics/ and OregonLive.com/comics-kingdom/.

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Whoa! That’s a lot. It may take a week or so for these adjustments to take effect because we are aware that readers are habitual.

The nicest part of this adjustment is that it makes it possible for us to easily incorporate a large number of supplementary pages into the online newspaper. There is a lot of additional stuff that subscribers who have not activated their online newspaper account are losing out on.

For example, the online newspaper will carry 12 additional broadsheet pages of news and features on Wednesdays. There are thirteen more pages on Fridays and Saturdays. The four pages of the Success personal finance section are part of the 18 extra pages that we will have on Sundays.

The online newspaper Sundays will continue to include the New York Times Book Review and TV Best Bets, the television section. Instead of appearing under Supplements, comics will now be included in the edition.

We have switched the vendor that creates our online newspaper at the same time that we are switching back to broadsheet. To view the latest edition, you might need to update The Oregonian app if you access it through it. If you have automatic updates enabled, you should be ready to go Tuesday morning.

For customer service support, call 503-221-8240 or send an email to [email protected]. According to the new online newspaper’s promotions, readers can anticipate:

–Better navigation and quicker, simpler reading

–A clean new design that improves the user experience

–Easy access to archives, the daily edition, and other material such as The New York Times Book Review

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–Easily share stories with loved ones and friends.

–Games and puzzles that are interactive for extra enjoyment

Please let me know how the new online newspaper is received. It’s a great product, in my opinion, and it consistently shows up by email at five in the morning. It’s a great deal because of the added features.

Reach me at oregonian.com/attbottomly.

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