Learning Curve: How old are Greater Houston’s community college students?

Most likely, when you think of a college student, you picture a young, attractive person in their late teens to early 20s who just graduated from high school.

That isn’t always the case for the community institutions that serve students in the Houston area, but it’s also not that far away.

The great majority of students enrolled in Houston’s major community college systems are under 25, despite the fact that community colleges typically have a more varied student body than universities.

The most current data showed that students at Houston Community College and Lone Star were more likely to be 19 years of age or younger. The majority of students at San Jacinto College—40%—were between the ages of 20 and 24, making up a relatively older student body.

The age distribution of community college students in the Houston area is shown in the graphics below.

No one path:The colleges offer a variety of functions for students because they are often accessible to anybody who applies.

A number of students are going back to school in order to change occupations. Some are pursuing credentials for the workforce. Additionally, some people are enrolled in classes during their leisure time rather than necessarily pursuing an award.

Diverse student body: Although the majority of Houston’s community colleges’ student bodies are younger, there is a sizable portion of students over 30.

Students in their 30s outnumber those in their 20s at Houston Community College. Additionally, the college has the highest proportion of students over 50.

Behind the numbers: Lone Star College has the youngest student body among the three main community college systems in Houston. The majority of Lone Star’s students are under the age of 19.

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This is partly due to the comparatively large dual-enrollment population at the college. According to data from the Community College Research Center, 23 percent of Lone Star’s overall enrollment consists of high school students enrolled in college courses.

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