Iconic Oregon House, Senate carpets featured in new merchandise at Capitol pop-up store

A pop-up store with new products reflecting the renowned House and Senate carpet designs opened this week, allowing visitors, legislators, and lobbyists to once again purchase items at the Oregon Capitol.

The state tree, the Douglas fir, is used to decorate the floor covering in the House chamber, and the Senate’s carpet is woven with wheat and Chinook salmon. Wheat symbolizes the state’s farming past, and Chinook salmon are the official fish.

The store used to sell socks and other products with the two carpet motifs. This week, however, the store unveiled a broader selection of items featuring the House and Senate carpet patterns, according to store coordinator Janice Collee. These items include mugs, framed prints of the carpet, ornaments, coasters, pocket notebooks, trinket dishes, paperweights, journals, key chains, lapel pins, notecards, and magnets.

New merchandise with the House and Senate chamber carpet patterns is available at the Oregon Capitol Store.Thanks to the Oregon Capitol Store

Collee stated, “I’ve actually sold quite a bit today as it went out.” Everyone is giddy with anticipation.

The Capitol Store has been operating as a pop-up shop lately because its regular location near the Capitol rotunda has been shuttered due to continuing $598 million seismic retrofit, redesign, and expansion of the structure. Additionally, it has an online store that has been open since 2021.

Juliene Popinga, manager of visitor services at the Oregon State Capitol, said in an email Wednesday that the permanent store will reopen in September. During the 2023 legislative session, the business also ran a popup in the Capitol.

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Borrud, Hillary

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