Ha llegado el momento de reparar las figuritas del Niño Jesús en México (fotos)

CIUDAD DE M XICO It would cost me less to repair them than to buy new ones. However, the figures of Ni or Jesus have such sentimental value in families that every year, a room in the heart of Mexico City is packed with people in search of a taller to give the figures their hands, piercings, nariz, eyes, pesta as, or dedos.

During the time leading up to the D a de la Candelaria, February 2nd, and the cat lica celebration, which marks the end of the Navel celebrations and commemorates the purification of the Virgin Mary and the arrival of Jesus in the temple, Mexicans pay homage to their deities.

The yeso figures pierce a man’s hand, neck, dedo, or even the entire head of one person or another. However, some people choose not to replace their figure but to make amends because it was a gift or because they have a relationship with them.

It’s really difficult to buy one, but it’s not about what you bought, but rather about what someone gave you, so you knot it. “Nada m s,” said Mar to Snchez Arena, who is 61 years old and who is helping to repair the statues of Jesus and Ni.

The Mexicans usually keep the figures in their hogares during the poca navide, and on the day of the Candelaria, they bring them to the church to be blessed.

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The Associated Press

To translate the original English content into Spanish, artificial intelligence is used. A Hispanic-speaking periodist revised the text.

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