Freezing temperatures in the forecast for Portland Metro area Sunday night, emergency shelters open

Residents in the Portland and Vancouver areas are being advised to stay inside or bundle up by the National Weather Service, which is forecasting another night of frigid temperatures on Sunday.

According to a county official, severe weather shelters will stay open in Clark and Washington counties, but they won’t open in Multnomah County because the temperature there is below the threshold for shelter opening.

The National Weather Service warned that between 10 p.m. on Sunday and 10 a.m. on Monday, temperatures might feel as low as 25 degrees or lower.

For those in Washington County in need of refuge, the Beaverton Community Center, located at 12350 SW 5th St., and the Blanton Street Building, located at 20665 SW Blanton St., will be open around-the-clock. According to county officials, residents are welcome to bring their pets to the shelters, which will serve hot meals.

People can contact Clark County’s emergency winter overnight shelters by calling the housing hotline at 360-695-9677.

Multnomah County residents may stay toasty during the day at the local library branches, which are open until 5 p.m. on Sundays. Along with providing items like blankets, hand warmers, and warm clothes, local nonprofits and community organizations are also checking in on those who are homeless.

Anyone in need of transportation or shelter should call 211info at 1-866-698-6155 or 2-1-1. Winter clothing can be donated by Portlanders to neighborhood outreach organizations, who will then provide it to homeless persons.

Gosia Wozniacka discusses a variety of environmental topics, including climate change, environmental justice, and the switch to sustainable energy. You may contact her at 971-421-3154 or [email protected].

See also  Update: Freezing fog advisory affecting Willamette Valley Sunday midday

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