Four Chicago Residents Arrested for Retail Theft at Oak Brook Mall

Four Chicago Residents Arrested for Retail Theft at Oak Brook Mall

Four Chicago residents have been arrested and charged in connection with two separate theft incidents at Oakbrook Center in Oak Brook, Illinois.

The DuPage County State’s Attorney’s Office reported that Talia Martinez-Pacheco, 23, and Santiago Rojas-Galea, 18, allegedly stole nearly $2,400 worth of clothing from Macy’s on August 21.

On the same day, Cheryl Gryer, 26, and Daiveon Watson, 21, were accused of stealing over $800 in merchandise from Nordstrom at the same mall.

All four suspects have been charged with burglary and retail theft, facing potential prison sentences of up to seven years if convicted.

DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert Berlin emphasized the county’s zero-tolerance policy toward theft, stating, “Make no mistake, if you are caught stealing in DuPage County, you will be arrested, charged, and prosecuted.”

The suspects recently appeared in court, with Martinez-Pacheco and Rojas-Galea scheduled for another hearing on September 16, and Gryer and Watson set to return on September 9. For more detailed information on this case, you can visit the full report here.

This incident underscores the ongoing efforts by law enforcement to combat retail theft in DuPage County.

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