Fire destroys large home under construction in east Clark County

According to fire officials, a 12,000-square-foot single-family home in east Clark County was completely destroyed by a massive fire early on Sunday morning.

East County Fire and Rescue firefighters were dispatched to a construction site on Northeast Livingston Mountain Circle shortly after 4:37 a.m.

The house was still under construction when the first firemen arrived and discovered a fully established fire. Problems were caused by wind coming from the east, and the fire destroyed vegetation around the two-story house that was being built, posing a threat to one neighboring property.

Fire officials reported that many additional surrounding homes were under jeopardy when spot flames broke out 1,500 feet from the blazing residence. Although the fire was eventually contained and no evacuations were necessary, residents were advised to be ready to leave.

The commander of the incident asked for more resources. East County Fire and Rescue was joined in the endeavor by the Washington Department of Natural Resources, Camas Washougal Fire Department, Vancouver Fire Department, and Clark County Fire District 3.

According to a news release from the fire district, water tenders had to transport water from the nearest fire hydrant, which was 6.3 miles away, making water supply difficult.

The Clark County incident Marshal’s Office is investigating the cause of the incident; no injuries were reported.

A two-story, 12,000-square-foot, single-family home that was being built was completely destroyed by a massive fire, which also spread to the surrounding vegetation and caused numerous spot fires up to 1500 feet downwind of the affected building.Fire and Rescue in East County

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