According to officials, a fire that started early Thursday near the location of the former Blue Heron paper mill is predicted to burn for the next 24 to 48 hours, potentially releasing smoke and ash over Oregon City.
The fire did not endanger the quality of the air or rivers, according to regulators from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.
After the fire is completely out, a standard cleanup will take place, according to a press release from the Clackamas Fire District. According to the fire district, residents may easily wash any ash off of their homes or vehicles with water.
It is anticipated that Oregon 99E would stay closed all night between 10th Street and South End Road.
Located on 23 acres along the Willamette River, the historic mill has been closed since 2011. In 2019, the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde acquired the land for the planned community of Tumwata. A fire also occurred on the site in 2020.
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Editor Beth Slovic works on the breaking news and public safety team. You can contact her at [email protected] or 503-221-8551.
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