¿Deben temer las familias medidas contra inmigrantes en las escuelas? Un abogado de derechos civiles explica

Prior to becoming an attorney, Nicholas Esp Ritu worked for nonprofit organizations that helped students from underrepresented communities and with lower incomes—similar to those in which the creci —get into universities.

However, it should be noted that some students’ migratory status interferes with their ability to continue their education at the university. I so made the decision to study rights and acquire the knowledge required to continue pursuing them.

The change of employment was finally brought to the attention of the National Immigration Law Center (Centro Nacional de Leyes de Inmigraci n, in Spanish), where it serves as the subdirector of legal defense and defends the rights of immigrant and low-income communities.

The administration of President Donald Trump has promised to strengthen the application of immigration laws as he prepares to take office, which has caused fear among immigrant communities. The National Immigration Law Center has already started to mobilize resources for immigrant groups by assisting President Joe Bidena in enacting changes prior to Trump’s takeover in order to reduce the harm that could result in mass deportations.

In this episode of our Science n Pop Quiz, Houston Landing talks with Esp Ritu about what the parents should know about how schools handle the students’ migration status and if the police can arrest anyone on school property.

This interview has been carefully edited for more clarity and conciseness.

Qu leyes de inmigraci n tienen que hacer cumplir las escuelas p blicas de Texas?

Qu podr a cambiar en la forma en que las escuelas tratan las cuestiones vinculadas a la inmigraci n bajo la administraci n Trump?

Pueden los funcionarios de inmigraci n o la polic a detener a personas en una escuela si no viven legalmente en el pa s?

Qu les dir a a los padres que no est n seguros de matricular a sus hijos en una escuela p blica debido a su condici n de inmigrantes?

En este sentido, qu les dir a a los padres sobre c mo hablar con los ni os de su estatus migratoria en la escuela?

Y los maestros? Tienen que revelar su estatus migratorio? Y pueden los maestros estar bajo DACA o ser indocumentados para ense ar en Texas?

Hay algo m s que quiera mencionar sobre la inmigraci n en las escuelas?

Anga Prez is a reporter for the Landing’s educational team. You can follow her on Instagram and X at @byangelicaperez, or you can reach her directly at [email protected].

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