Dear Doctor: When I clean my bird feeders am I exposing myself to the new bird flu?

Greetings, Dr. Roach From my back deck, I have two bird feeders. In a failed attempt to prevent the squirrels from devouring all of the birdseed, they are suspended from towering poles! However, I have to remove and handle them in order to refill them, and I was wondering recently if I would be exposing myself to the latest bird flu.

Does anyone know anything about this possibility? It is probable that other bird enthusiasts were also exposed to the virus. — J.F.

ANSWER: It is unlikely that the songbirds you are drawing to your feeders—like woodpeckers, sparrows, and cardinals—are afflicted with avian influenza, sometimes known as bird flu. Waterfowl, including ducks and gulls, are typically infected. The majority of specialists advise cleaning feeders and baths with a 10% diluted bleach solution on a regular basis, however they do not advise removing your feeders. After restocking your feeders, you should wash your hands.

Feeders and baths that draw wild birds should not be used by those who own poultry, such as chickens, ducks, geese, or turkeys, as these animals might also contract bird flu.

Greetings, Dr. Roach I notice advertisements for many pillow types that claim they are healthier in many ways, including by improving your quality of sleep. This seems to me that traditional pillows may be unhealthy. Does any of this make sense? — W.R.G.

ANSWER: Conventional pillows are not unhealthy, in my opinion. Nonetheless, there is proof that latex or spring-based pillows can lessen awakening symptoms, neck pain, and disability in those who suffer from chronic neck discomfort. Although the combined trials did not demonstrate an improvement in the quality of sleep, they do increase people’s contentment with their pillows. It appears that the pillow’s height and material may have an impact on how your neck bones line up.

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There’s no reason to change if you’re not experiencing any issues. Although I doubt there is a single cushion that works for everyone, a specific pillow might help if you wake up with a sore neck or have persistent neck pain.

More advice

Greetings, Dr. Roach Can an 80-year-old guy who has misused alcohol for many years—six to eight glasses a night—quit drinking completely? It’s been 48 hours since I last slept! — R.B.

ANSWER: It’s not acceptable. Anyone who stops drinking so much so abruptly, especially an older adult, is at serious risk. You ought to have contacted your usual doctor, who can decide whether you can safely quit drinking at home or if you need to be in a more supervised setting (for example, if you have heart issues or have experienced severe alcohol withdrawal in the past).

Medication to help avoid withdrawal symptoms may be administered if it is deemed safe for you to do so at home. Your normal doctor might suggest that you consult an addiction medicine specialist because they have greater experience than almost all generalists. You run the chance of experiencing moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms, so you should visit a doctor right away, whether it’s your regular physician or an emergency room specialist.

It’s great that you want to stop drinking after all these years, but it will be safer and more probable that you will quit permanently if you seek some support.

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Although he regrets not being able to respond to each letter individually, Dr. Roach will try to include them in the column. Questions can be sent by mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803 or by email to [email protected].

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