Dear Annie: Was I wrong when I ignored uninvited guests who showed up at my door?

To Annie, please: I’m usually restricted to my house because I use a walker and have mobility concerns. I spend most of my time at home, although my son assists by taking me to the beauty parlor and sometimes to the drugstore or bank.Two women unexpectedly knocked on my door today. My house was far from acceptable, and I hadn’t been awake long enough to dress for guests. I had just dropped a coffee cup, and the kitchen floor was covered in broken bits, and there were Christmas boxes everywhere. It goes without saying that I was in no condition to amuse anyone.I didn’t answer the doorbell when they rang it. Not because I didn’t value their visit, but because of how unexpected the timing was. I would have had time to change, clean the living room, and get ready to host guests if I had known they were coming.I’m now feeling bad and questioning whether I should have answered the door. Despite the confusion and my unease, should I have opened the door for them? When you’re just not prepared for company, how can you politely greet unexpected guests? — Feeling awkward

Dear Uncomfortable Feeling: Your decision to put your comfort and wellbeing first was completely appropriate. It can be difficult to handle unforeseen guests, particularly if you’re unprepared and have mobility concerns. Your decision to not answer the door at that particular moment is very understandable.A polite way to deal with this in the future would be to thank the guests for coming and let them know that it wasn’t a nice time over the phone or via message. The majority of individuals will recognize and value your consideration.Keep in mind that you don’t have to feel bad about setting limits and prioritizing your own needs.

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For Annie Lane, send inquiries to [email protected].

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