Dear Annie: Is it overstepping for student to reach out to beloved professor who had emergency surgery?

To Annie, please: I’m a college student currently on winter vacation after completing my fall semester finals. One of my teachers had to skip our last day for surgery due to a medical emergency near the conclusion of finals week.

Even though everyone in my class, including myself, sent her encouraging emails, I continue to worry about her. In addition to being an amazing professor, she has a strong enthusiasm for the subjects she teaches. She embodies all of my favorite qualities in a professor, therefore I’m concerned just knowing that she’s in pain.Since she will be unable to look at a screen for at least a few weeks due to the nature of her operation, I’m not sure if sending her more emails to let her know I’m thinking of her would be going too far. What more can I do to encourage her? Don’t bother her? Should I write her another email when she’s partially recovered, which should be in about a month? Since I have another class with her at the beginning of the spring semester, should I bring her a gift? I’m not sure what I want to do, but I really want to do something. — Worried (Going Too Far?) Student

To the Worried Student: It’s clear how empathetic you are! Furthermore, you are correct in saying that outstanding instructors are a gift that should not be undervalued.I would hold off on getting in touch until the spring semester because you have already sent a considerate email. She may feel under pressure to reply to every message she receives because recovering following surgery can be daunting. She will be in a better position to accept it if you offer her something nice, like flowers or a handmade letter, come springtime.

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For Annie Lane, send inquiries to [email protected].

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