Dear Abby: When my retired best friend got a boyfriend, I found her pulling away from me

Greetings, Abby I’ve known a friend for a long time. Since we share a hometown, we liked to get together once a week for brunch on Saturday and have lengthy conversations about our highs and occasionally lows. We regarded one another as best friends.She no longer makes time for our get-togethers because she found a lover a few years ago who is also retired. She hasn’t been able to visit for a quick visit, a glass of wine, or a supper in the past two years. Currently, our phone conversations are restricted to a How are you? I’m okay with this type of talk.There’s hardly any recognition, even though I still send cards and provide a holiday present like we used to. I no longer want to maintain sour, one-sided phone conversations. Must I simply let it all go, go into the distance, and be content that this is over? — OVERCOME IN CALIFORNIA

Stories by

Abigail Van Buren

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DEAR LEFT BEHIND: The course of your friend’s life has changed. The answer to your inquiry is yes, as she is currently focusing all of her energy on her relationship with her partner.

Abigail Van Buren, better known as Jeanne Phillips, is the author of Dear Abby. Her mother, Pauline Phillips, began the company. For more information, visit or send an email to P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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