Dear Abby: It bothers me when my friend refuses to wear a bra in public. Should I stop being seen with her?

Greetings, Abby Erin, a longstanding acquaintance of mine, is in her early 60s. Since she retired a few months ago, she has informed me on a few occasions that she no longer wears bras.

She means ALL the time, not just around the house, as I had assumed. Erin has headlights and is well-equipped. She is less likely to wear a cardigan in warmer weather, so I’m beginning to get annoyed that she doesn’t have a bra or anything else to maintain some modesty than wearing her clothes in a larger size.

Normally, I don’t give a damn about what other ladies dress. However, I no longer want to go out with Erin since I feel uncomfortable around my husband and other friends.

Am I a prude? I would overlook this if it were a sporadic occurrence. But it feels like this will last forever. When I speak, what should I say? — In California, this is unavoidable.

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DEAR CAN’T UNSEE: Someone should let your longtime friend know how much of her assets are on display if she doesn’t already know.

Tell her the truth if she asks why you have removed yourself. (You might be helping her.) However, don’t expect her to stop her current behavior. Erin is free to choose whether or not to wear a bra.

You are the only one who can determine whether her lack of clothing warrants the termination of a long-standing friendship.

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Abigail Van Buren, better known as Jeanne Phillips, is the author of Dear Abby. Her mother, Pauline Phillips, began the company. For more information, visit or send an email to P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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