Dear Abby: First love continues to haunt after 15 years. Is it worth it to seek closure?

Greetings, Abby My first love has been on my mind a lot lately. I know it’s typical for the thoughts to come and go.

I came into her LinkedIn account about a week ago, looked at her profile photo, and couldn’t help but think back on all the fun moments we shared fifteen years ago. I’ve been in a relationship for seven years and am currently 35. She has been married for ten years.

Rekindling a relationship is not what I’m after. Our relationship, in my opinion, was never truly resolved, and I believe this has always impacted my relationships since. I feel bad for having these feelings because I adore my partner. I’m not sure how to proceed because I am aware of how it would impact us if I brought it up.

Will the emotion last? Will this be how I feel forever? If one thing didn’t work out the way it did, would I still think that my first love was the one I was supposed to be with? Should I try to get closure by reaching out? — IN VIRGINIA, A REMINDER

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Abigail Van Buren

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PLEASE NOTE: Not in my opinion. This woman has gone on with her life, and so have you. Reaching back at this time seems pointless to me, especially since you are aware that it might harm your current relationship. Let the past go and let it stay in the past.

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Abigail Van Buren, better known as Jeanne Phillips, is the author of Dear Abby. Her mother, Pauline Phillips, began the company. For more information, visit or send an email to P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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