Cómo prepararse para las gélidas temperaturas que llegarán a Houston esta semana

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has arrived, along with the potential for heladas. The National Meteorological Service predicts that starting this week, a front with a growing chance of nio or aguanieve might overwhelm Houston.

The possibility of a violent incident occurs with time, which the Meteorol gico Nacional considers a possibility by the end of the month. From April to the present, Houston has a 59% chance of finding a hurricane that is stronger than the one I experienced.

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C mo mantenerse caliente en una ola de fr o

Dr. David Persse, the chief physician of Houston, Oriundo of Buffalo (New York), claims that despite the winter months, he has seen more patients with hypotension in Houston and Los Angeles due to the imprevisible olas of fr o than in Buffalo.

One important difference is that the B falo population without a home is well prepared. “It’s important to have caps, guantes, and something in the head to keep the courage going,” Persse explains.

Houston homes were not built to withstand extremely high or low temperatures. Similar to the summer, when many don’t want to turn on the air conditioner because it would raise their bills, some people might not turn on the air conditioner in the winter to save money. Persse advises visiting elderly family members and friends during the winter to make sure they are doing well.

According to Alcalde John Whitmire, the city of Houston will open 10 centros de acogida nocturna at 6 p.m. on Sunday and remain open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, until the middle of the night on Jueves for anyone in need. These centers are located in:

  • Acres Homes Multi-service Center
  • Denver Harbor Multi-service Center
  • Fonde Community Center
  • Kashmere Multi-service Center
  • Magnolia Multi-service Center
  • Metropolitan Multi-service Center
  • Moody Community Center
  • Northeast Multi-service Center
  • Southwest Multi-service Center
  • Sunnyside Multi-service Center

All of the centers allow animals, however the Metropolitan Multi-Service Center and the Fonde Community Center do not, mostly to help those without homes.

People can keep the items they come across while they are permanently at the acogida centers. The illegal immigrants who are taken to the police stations are not married during the trial.

If someone has to take it to a calentamiento center, they can call 311 and ask for a Z-Trip that will take them to any available center.

In contrast to their predecessors, the centers also accept food donations from the community. According to a press release from the Office of Emergency Management, every calentamiento center has medical and public safety staff and is furnished with art supplies of the utmost importance. Houston residents who intend to use the calentamiento centers should see a doctor about any medication or particular dietary needs.

See also  Houston se prepara para frío extremo de la tormenta Enzo. Cierran escuelas y aeropuertos.

C mo actuar ante los cortes de electricidad

It is advised to develop a plan before the electricity cables are produced. From distributing food to talking with the m dicos to keep their medication on hand, create a helpful delivery plan. For example, offering alternative lighting options such as lamps or faroles with pedestals or combustible fuel.

In the event of a power outage, the Texas Electricity Council (ERCOT, as it is known in English) advises people to get in touch with their local electricity provider. According to the alcalde’s office, Centerpoint has stated in their most recent updates that they do not anticipate generalized energy losses, although this is subject to change.

The Texas Public Service Commission has a list of the state’s electricity providers.

To get further advice on how to prepare, consult the Landing guide on electrical circuits.

C mo preparar su casa para el invierno

Houston Public Works assists residents who dispose of tuber as expuestas outside of their homes or in areas without central heating before they are heladized. People need to stop using jargon that is connected to external devices and stop using riego systems. For example, it is not rotos to prevent potential water fugas due to congealed water tubers.

In an electronic mail, Erin Jones, head of internal communications and public information official for Obras P blicas de Houston, stated that the organization does not allow people to get their grifos. It may have a detrimental effect on Houston’s water pressure if a large number of people were getting their grifos.

The department advises the men to open the doors of the weapons underneath the rebels’ walls along with the external walls during the heladas. The water from the lavadoras is cut off in garajes without calefaccin. Aseg rese also protects the tubers that have been frozen in the past.

The department advises removing the external water faucets and turning off the thermostat to a low setting if you won’t be home.

Because of the strong winds, the department also plans additional teams to respond to escombros during the heladas.

The National Meteorological Service advises you to check the chimeneas and slen the ticos before the day begins. Additionally, it is advised to calafatear and colocar aislantes in ports and harbors.

Seguridad contra incendios

The second most common cause of domestic fires in 2021, according to Ready.gov, a website run by the Department of Security National of the European Union that aims to inform the public on what to do in the event of a cat burglary, was fires caused by fireworks. It is advised to keep items that can hold at least one meter away from any source of heat.

Direct enchufarment to a corriente toma is required of calentadores. As an example, suppose that the cable is not broken. According to the website, it is advised that a professional review and clean the chimeneas and calefacci equipment once a year.

See also  Fiscales locales pueden tener gran impacto en su caso de inmigración. Esto es lo que debe saber.

The National Meteorological Service recommends checking the carbon monoxide and humo detectors before lowering the temperatures.

Although there are some exceptions, according to the Texas Tenant Advisor, the owners are required to have at least one humo detector installed in each dorm.Keep in mind that the owner has the right to test it on the first day of the sale or when the humo detector is installed for the first time. This means that if it stops working, it is up to us to ask that it be checked or redirected. This is a result of being in the alquiler’s pay. The Texas Tenant Advisor advises submitting the written request.

For example, ensuring that the generators are at least 20 feet away from their homes and that the heat sources have enough ventilation.No mantenga calentadores de gas, queroseno o propanodentro de casa por el riesgo de intoxicaci n por mon xido de carbono.

El ex jefe de bomberos de Houston, Samuel Pe a, dice que hay que tener detectores de humo en todas las plantas, incluido el s tano. El mon xido de carbono es incoloro, inodoro y venenoso, pero puede ser letal para las personas y los animales.

The common sources of carbonous monoxide are formed from hornos that operate improperly.

Visit Cistern Illuminated in Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern this holiday season to experience peace and quiet. Kelly O. Brien, a Houston-based artist and engineer, created a calming sequence of light and sound that transforms 221 concrete pillars above sparkling water.

Si se producen cortes de electricidad, los generadores no deben estar en el interior, incluidos los garajes con las puertas abiertas. Tampoco se debe utilizar la estufa o el horno para calentar la casa.

C mo preparar su veh culo para el invierno

Los habitantes de Houston deber an llevar sus veh culos a una revisi n de pretemporada. Si a n no lo ha hecho, ahora es el momento, dijo Daniel Armbruster, especialista senior de asuntos p blicos de AAA Texas.

Las principales demandas de servicio en invierno en Texas incluyen por bater as descargadas, neum ticos pinchados y fallos del motor, lo que normalmente significa que hay un problema bajo el cap con las correas y mangueras. Es importante comprobar que no haya grietas por el desgaste.

Aseg rese de que los limpiaparabrisas est n en buen estado. Aseg rese de que su auto tenga los l quidos adecuados, como el l quido limpiaparabrisas y el aceite. Los limpiaparabrisas deben cambiarse cada seis meses, seg n Armbruster.

Los neum ticos deben revisarse una vez al mes para asegurarse de que tienen suficiente dibujo y la presi n de aire adecuada.

See also  ¿Necesita ayuda legal en materia de inmigración? Estos grupos en Houston ofrecen servicios gratuitos o de bajo costo.

Si la bater a tiene m s de tres a os, deber a revisarla un mec nico de confianza. Las temperaturas m s fr as pueden reducir la vida til de la bater a de un coche. Normalmente, una bater a de autom vil dura entre tres y cinco a os.

Adem s, debe a adir un kit de supervivencia invernal para cada coche que incluya ropa de abrigo, mantas, comida, agua y un tel fono m vil con cargador, seg n elServicio Meteorol gicoNacional. Es importante tener mantas y chaquetas de repuesto por si necesitas asistencia en carretera y no tienes calefacci n, dijo Armbruster.

C mo proteger a sus mascotas del fr o

Julie Kuenstle, vicepresidenta de comunicaciones de la SPCA de Houston, recomienda mantener a las mascotas dentro de casa o adecuadamente resguardadas del fr o extremo. Puede colocarlos en su casa, en un lavadero o en un garaje con mantas calientes para mantenerlos abrigados. S lo aseg rese de que su garaje es lo suficientemente caliente para su mascota.

No conviene dejarlos en un garaje donde la temperatura tambi n sea g lida , explica Kuenstle. Depende de la estructura que tenga, pero lleve a sus mascotas al interior durante esa congelaci n extrema .

Los due os de mascotas tambi n deben evitar los tazones de metal para las mascotas al aire libre, ya que su agua podr a congelarse. Adem s, las mascotas de exterior suelen necesitar entre un 20 y un 50 por ciento m s de calor as debido al fr o. Tambi n recomienda consultar al veterinario.

Al igual que en los meses de verano, los due os de mascotas no deben dejarlas en el autom vil pase lo que pase. Un coche puede actuar como un frigor fico durante los meses de invierno, dice Kuenstle.

Adem s, aseg rese de golpear la parte superior del cap antes de arrancar el coche para ahuyentar a cualquier animal que se haya refugiado en el interior del motor.

Para los animales de granja, recomienda que tengan acceso a un granero o a una estructura de tres lados para escapar del viento y el fr o.

Para evitar intoxicaciones accidentales, la Oficina de Gesti n de Emergencias de la Ciudad de Houston aconseja limpiar los derrames o fugas de anticongelante. Si cree que su mascota ha ingerido alg n producto qu mico, acuda inmediatamente al veterinario.

Para obtener m s informaci n sobre la protecci n de los animales durante el invierno, visiteel sitio web de la SPCA deHouston .

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C mo prepararse para las g lidas temperaturas que llegar n a Houston esta semana

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