Community is exactly what we need right now

Black World is still engulfed in post-election anxiety, so we need to work on regaining our composure and finding our groove. According to one article from George Washington University (GWU), many people are still anxious about the 2024 presidential election.

Professor of clinical psychology at GWU Katherine Marshall Woods responded, “No, and kind of yes, too,” when asked if those who are experiencing too much stress following an election should tune out. Actually, though, is the solution.

“It’s really important to take a moment to ask yourself what you need in order to feel healthy if you’re feeling stressed,” Woods said. Do you require assistance? Do you also need to be in the company of people who are actively worried and anxious? Perhaps you feel less alone and more soothed when you have others to lament with.

She went on to further dismantle the community. Because for some people, their closest friends and family members frequently exacerbate their anxiety because they have different political views than you do. Being around them causes more harm than good since sometimes their stress levels are even higher than yours.

Therefore, pay close attention to who you are currently with. You might not want to be around folks who are depressed, hopeless, or just as worried as you are, if not more so, if you are already stressed and anxious. Rather, you might need to place yourself in a setting where a group of people can help you feel less anxious. You don’t want to be alarmed by others. “You want them to help you relax,” Woods continued.

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Because this election was so personal and had so much riding on it, many psychologists characterize the post-election stress that many people are experiencing as a very genuine trauma.

According to Adrian Adrienne Fletcher, a certified psychologist, author, and survivor of sex trafficking, trauma heals in healthy relationships. relationships in which you are valued, acknowledged, heard, and seen. ones that respect limits.

Fletcher discovered those therapeutic connections in the community, more precisely through the Powerhouse Women network, which Lindsey Schwartz created. Powerhouse Women provided Fletcher with a secure environment in which to network with women from many sectors and backgrounds who share objectives, entrepreneurial dreams, and a drive to change the world by helping others.

Only one community, though. Your community may serve as your spiritual home, whether it be a church, temple, or mosque. Perhaps a community center in your area is where you might locate your people. You may find your tribe in another group, such as those who get up for Tour de Hood or who join the world of Project Row Houses.

Finding others who recognize and value your humanity is crucial. When you surround yourself with people like that, you all become a force for progress, friendship, and healing. We can find the assistance we need, have our needs answered, and flourish via community.

And since we’re still dealing with the fallout from Election 2024, we need all the assistance and healing we can receive.

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