Camionero de California culpable de matar a 7 trabajadores agrícolas en accidente de la I-5 en Oregón

Lincoln Smith was found guilty by a Marion County judge of strelling his semicami with a car parked on the side of the Interestatal 5 and killing seven employees with agr colas.

The jury deliberated for around eight hours before returning a verdict that sentenced Smith to 54 years in prison for seven charges of second-degree homicide and reckless driving.

However, the judges cleared Smith of driving while under the influence of drugs, based on his testimony in the courtroom that he was not under the influence of drugs when the accident occurred on May 18, 2023, and that he was not under the influence of drugs at the time.

[LEER M S: Farmers who were involved in an accident on the I-5 were following their own homes, gardens, and caballos]

The inhabitant of North Highlands, California, was found in the hospital with traces of cocaine, fentanilo, and metanfetamina in his blood, and the state police found a speedometer in his backpack, along with a few hipod rmicas and a balanza in his cami’s cabin.

However, Smith testified that the effects of a drug-filled night had been carried over into the following year, saying that he had simply fallen asleep on the plane and had lost the ability to go to a place of relaxation when the accident just north of Albany occurred, where the interestatal crossed the R or Santiam.

Oreg’s sentencing laws stipulate a maximum sentence of six months in prison for second-degree homicide cases; but, given the seriousness of the accident, Circuit Judge Daniel Wren may impose a sentence of more or less time.

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While a s ptima was declared dead in a medical helicopter en route to the hospital, five people died there.

The victims were identified as Luis Enrique Gomez-Reyes, 30, Alejandro Jimenez Hernandez, 36, Josue Garcia-Garcia, 30; Juan Carlos Leyva-Carrillo, 37; Gabriel Juarez-Tovilla, 58; Alejandra Espinoza-Carpio, 39; Eduardo Lopez-Lopez, 31; and others.

Heridas resulted from these identities.

When the conductor of the vehicle they were traveling in was detuored to adjust a remolque that was bringing their tools, the agricultural workers stopped collecting remolachas and went back to their homes in the area.

It was the deadliest tragedy in Oregn since a car carrying tourists crashed into a barandilla of Interestatal 84 in 2012, killing nine people.

For the periodical, The Oregonian/OreognLive, Zane Sparling covers news stories and headlines. Please contact [email protected], 503-319-7083, or pdxzane.

To translate the original English content into Spanish, artificial intelligence is used. A Hispanic-speaking periodist revised the text.

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