Arizona is Over This Outdated Driving Habit: Bring Back the Waves and Signals

Arizona is Over This Outdated Driving Habit Bring Back the Waves and Signals

I’m feeling nostalgic for the good old days™. Okay, this isn’t a registered trademark, but now that I have your attention, let’s discuss an increasing tendency I’ve noticed when driving around Arizona.

The Friendly Arizona Wave

Let me back up a little. When I first arrived here decades ago, I was both amused and delighted by how kind everyone seemed. It wasn’t uncommon to see someone driving down one of our small roads, and as we neared, we’d see them raise a hand or a couple of fingers from the steering wheel and wave as we passed. The first few times, I asked my husband if he recognized the driver who waved at us. “Nope,” he said, “people are just friendly here.”

I liked that! Little cordial gestures between strangers and, potentially, future buddies. What a fun and effective method of road communication.

A Trend Begins to End in Arizona

As more people migrated to Arizona in recent years, I’ve noticed that the culture has shifted slightly.

This is particularly noticeable on the highways. While I still see the brief “hello” wave on our town’s smaller, more rural side roads, it occurs less frequently than it used to. Unless you’re signaling to another vehicle that they have the right of way, those waves rarely occur on larger routes.

Another mode of roadway communication has begun to decline in the previous three years. Unlike the adorable tiny waves of the past, this lost skill could have serious effects if it persists.

That Small Lever Mounted on the Left Side of Your Steering Column

Drivers seem to have forgotten how to use their turn signals. Or perhaps their blinker fluid has become critically low. I honestly don’t understand how all these modern automobiles function. Whatever it is, that simple piece of road communication appears to be obsolete, and I’m not sure why.

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If traffic is heavy and you wish to enter my lane, please signal! I will allow you in! If you’re turning on the road and I’m approaching, indicate that you’re turning into traffic, and I’ll pull over to the left lane to give you room to enter the road.

My telepathic abilities are severely inadequate these days. Feel free to communicate using your turn signals, and I’ll gladly assist you. I might even wave to let you know I see you. Please don’t convert signals into an archaic custom!

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