Beware of Active Skunks in Illinois This Fall

Beware of Active Skunks in Illinois This Fall

As fall approaches in Illinois, skunks are becoming more active, which means it’s time to stay alert. During this season, young skunks, also known as “kits,” leave their mothers to find their own homes.

This increase in activity can lead to more skunk encounters, especially as they search for food and shelter.

Skunks are known for their powerful and unpleasant spray, which they use as a defense mechanism. Before releasing their foul scent, skunks give a warning by arching their back, raising their tail, and stomping the ground.

If you or your pets accidentally disturb a skunk, you might experience this notorious spray firsthand.

To avoid unwanted encounters, it’s crucial to be cautious during the evening and nighttime hours when skunks are most active.

If you have pets that spend time outdoors, especially at night, consider having a scent removal plan ready just in case.

For more details on skunk behavior and how to handle potential encounters, check out this informative guide from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources here.

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With a little awareness, you can avoid getting caught in the skunk’s spray zone this season.

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