Greetings, Abby I am 74 years old, married for 52 years, and we are parenting our adopted 8-year-old great-granddaughter.
Our lives are filled with learning and adventure. I want to get a college degree, and I now have the means and chance to do so. My spouse is totally on board.
Studying special education is something I’d like to do. Given that our child has special needs, I’m not sure if this would be a career endeavor or just a matter of learning. Am I crazy for going for this?
Due to time and energy constraints related to my studies, my social life with friends may change. — IOWA’S FUTURE STUDENT
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Abigail Van Buren
Dear Abby: How do I stay strong and not go back to boyfriend who picked me apart?
Dear Abby: Is there anything I can do to stop my 85-year-old mom from trying to be my fashion twin?
Dear Abby: Dad turns his back on son who decides to take his new wife s last name
Greetings, student You seem to understand completely the sacrifices you will need to make in order to accomplish your objective.
Your absence is just temporary, and true friends will understand. I wish you well in your quest and commend your determination to finish your degree in a field that will enable your great-granddaughter to achieve success.
Abigail Van Buren, better known as Jeanne Phillips, is the author of Dear Abby. Her mother, Pauline Phillips, began the company. For more information, visit or send an email to P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.