All house transfers in NW Portland that were reported between January 13 and January 19 are listed below. During this period, seven transactions were posted. At $455,000, a 998-square-foot house on Portland’s Northwest Couch Street was the area’s median sale during this time.
$325,000, 888 square feet, $366 per square foot, one bathroom, 1926 W. Burnside Street, Portland.
$370,000, 771 square feet, $480 per square foot, one bathroom, 2020 N.W. 29th Ave., Portland.
$385,000. 910 square feet, $423 per square foot, one bedroom, one bathroom, 2566 N.W. Lovejoy Street, Portland.
$455,000, 998 square feet, $456 per square foot, two baths, 1025 N.W. Couch Street, Portland.
$502,000, 932 square feet, $539 per square foot, three baths, 2621 N.W. Sussex Ave., Portland.
Portland, Oregon; $1,065,500; 2,916 square feet; $365 per square foot; three bedrooms; three bathrooms; 2925 N.W. Raleigh Street.
$1,100,000, 2,458 square feet, $448 per square foot, five bedrooms, and three baths at 400 N.W. Maywood Drive in Portland.
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