All house transfers in North Portland that were reported between December 30 and January 5 are listed below. During this period, thirteen transactions were posted. The typical sale price for the neighborhood during this time frame was $566,150 for a 1,906-square-foot house on Portland’s North Brandon Avenue.
3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1,530 square feet, $173 per square foot, 6900 N. Roberts Ave., Portland, $265,000.
$342,900, 453 square feet, $757 per square foot, three baths, 5265 N. Oberlin Street, Portland.
8624 N. Foss Ave., Portland, $424,000, 718 square feet, two bedrooms, one bathroom, $591 per square foot.
Portland, Oregon; $469,756; 1,440 square feet; $326 per square foot; three baths; 9111 N. Seward Ave.
Portland, Oregon; 6824 N. Seneca Street; $505,000; 859 square feet; $588 per square foot; three baths; two bedrooms.
$519,900, 2,145 square feet, $242 per square foot, four bedrooms, and two bathrooms at 7336 N. Syracuse Street, Portland.
$566,150, 1,906 square feet, $297 per square foot, six bedrooms, and two baths are all included in the price of 7932 N. Brandon Ave. in Portland.
Portland, Oregon; $575,000; 1,651 square feet; $348 per square foot; two bedrooms; two bathrooms; 4617 N. Willamette Blvd.
The property at 7218 N. Concord Ave., Portland, is 1,508 square feet, has two bedrooms, one bathroom, and costs $589,900 per square foot.
5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 3,456 square feet, $179 per square foot, $617,700, 8335 N. Delaware Ave., Portland.
Portland, Oregon; $650,000; 2,500 square feet; $260 per square foot; three bedrooms; three bathrooms; 3803 N. Kiska Street.
$665,000, 1,592 square feet, $418 per square foot, four bedrooms, and three baths at 7539 N. Hurst Ave. in Portland.
$310 per square foot, 2,176 square feet, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, 4235 N. Longview Ave., Portland, $675,000.
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