All house transactions in inner NE Portland that were reported between December 30 and January 5 are listed below. During this period, twelve transactions were posted. A 2,014-square-foot house on Portland’s Northeast Simpson Street sold for $552,500 during this time, which was the median transaction price for the neighborhood.
$315,000, 718 square feet, $439 per square foot, two bedrooms, and two bathrooms are all included in the price of 5321 N.E. Irving Street in Portland.
$340,000, 864 square feet, $394 per square foot, one bathroom, 227 N.E. 61st Ave., Portland.
$390,000, 858 square feet, $455 per square foot, three bedrooms, and two bathrooms at 2603 N.E. Dekum Street in Portland.
$475,000, 1,896 square feet, $251 per square foot, three bedrooms, and three baths at 746 N.E. Stafford Street in Portland.
$479,900, 2,920 square feet, $164 per square foot, three bedrooms, and seven bathrooms at 98 N.E. 73rd Ave., Portland.
$515,000, 1,089 square feet, $473 per square foot, three bedrooms, and one bathroom are all included in the price of 7038 N.E. 13th Ave. in Portland.
$552,500, 2,014 square feet, $274 per square foot, three baths, 5729 N.E. Simpson Street, Portland.
$458 per square foot, 1,212 square feet, three bedrooms, one bathroom, 3734 N.E. 81st Ave., Portland, $555,000.
Portland, Oregon; $725,000; 1,350 square feet; $537 per square foot; three bedrooms; three bathrooms; 4519 N.E. 16th Ave.
$849,900, 931 square feet, $913 per square foot, four baths, 5265 N.E. 15th Ave., Portland.
Portland, Oregon; 4908 N.E. Tillamook Street; $875,000; 2,018 square feet; $434 per square foot; three bathrooms; four bedrooms.
Portland, Oregon; $1,200,000; 2,717 square feet; $442 per square foot; four bedrooms; four bathrooms; 3422 N.E. Flanders Street.
United Robots offers a service called Real Estate Newswire that leverages machine learning to produce analysis of data from Propmix, a national real estate data aggregator.
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