7 Signs you grew up in a Black church

It’s obvious if you were raised in a Black church. Every saved and sanctified cell in your body is leaking warning messages.

In any case, why would you wish to conceal your affiliation with the Black church? It was only incredible grace, baptismal water, and Sister Eunice Jean’s renowned potluck potato salad that carried you this far by faith, down and up the mountain’s rugged side.

Here are seven indicators that you were raised in a Black church, for those who are unaware.

Visitor confusion

You are left wondering what the devil is going on when you go a church that is not Black. Why is everything so quiet up here? The preacher’s sermon lasted only fifteen minutes. When will the true preacher deliver the message? The music ministry and choir are nowhere to be found. After just fifty-nine minutes, the entire service is over? Where do they do that?

Church shoe game on lock

You had a unique pair of shoes, usually made of patent leather, that you wore only to church. Avoid wearing your church shoes in public so that your mother, big mother, or other church mothers can see you. If they do, good luck.

Assigned seats

There is no such thing as allotted seats in Black churches. However, let someone to approach the sanctuary and attempt to take Sister Gladys’ seat. The ushers will graciously guide you to a seat that is actually unassigned.

The preacher s high-five

When the preacher says, “As I close,” “As I finish,” or “As I prepare to take my seat,” you already know that another half hour to an hour of preaching is about to begin if you grew up in a Black church. Before he or she is convinced that the Holy Spirit actually got its way, the preacher will shut down the crowd at least four or five times.

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Mom s death stare

Ignore the Death Stare from Star Wars. When Mom discovered you cutting up before, during, or after service, that bad boy couldn’t match her death gaze. Usually one, maybe two cautions preceded that stare. However, you probably won’t do anything wrong for the rest of the day after she gave you that look.

Sanctuary geography

If you grew up in a Black church, you were familiar with the layout of the sanctuary. This included being aware of where the strongest Amen Corner was, where the person or people you were crushing on sat every week (despite the fact that there were no assigned seats), and where the people who were going to receive the Holy Spirit would begin and finish their spiritual journey. Additionally, don’t allow that sister who occasionally attended church to show up in the Lord’s home wearing garish clothing. To be ready for sister-girl or anyone else they chose to snoop on, you knew where the church gossips were posted.

You know the importance of community

The church served as a hub for social interaction and community support in addition to being a physical structure. Additionally, there were always activities and gatherings (potlucks, fish fries, church picnics, etc.) in that community that bolstered the bonds between people. And you discovered that the effectiveness of prayer was a reality rather than a myth.

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