3 Surprising Illinois Exclusives You Didn’t Know Existed

Three Surprising Illinois Exclusives You Didn’t Know Existed

Illinois is home to many surprises, even for lifelong residents. Here are three fascinating features that make the state truly one of a kind.

1. Olney’s Black and White Squirrels

Olney, Illinois, is famous for its rare population of white squirrels. These Eastern Gray Squirrels have a unique genetic mutation, giving them their striking white color. The town celebrates them annually with White Squirrel Day. Illinois is also home to elusive black squirrels, making Olney a nature lover’s dream.

2. Unusual State Laws

Illinois has some quirky laws that stand out. In Mount Pulaski, it’s illegal for girls to throw snowballs, while in Chicago, taking a French Poodle to the opera is prohibited. These peculiar regulations reflect the state’s rich history and culture, adding to its charm.

3. The Nation’s Leader in Personalized License Plates

Illinois residents love expressing their individuality, leading the nation in personalized license plates. Whether it’s a nickname, hobby, or favorite phrase, these custom plates are a unique way for Illinoisans to make their mark on the road.

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These three oddities highlight the unique character of Illinois, proving there’s always something new to discover in the Land of Lincoln.

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3 Things Most People Don’t Know Only Exist in Illinois

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