16 things to stow in your car in case of a winter storm; how to prepare for driving in snow, ice, freezing rain, more hazardous conditions

For more than a week, Portland has had to contend with snow, ice, and freezing rain. With more than 50 highways closed in Portland alone, people have been battling winter weather and navigating the dangerous conditions throughout the Willamette Valley and the state of Oregon. Nobody wants to get stranded in a snowbank, slide off the road, or have to wait for a tow truck when the temperature is almost at zero. You’ll be happy you took the time to be ready if that occurs to you.

In light of this, we have revised our list of essentials for a winter emergency kit that you should keep in your car, but don’t hesitate to submit your own recommendations. Here are links to Walmart, which makes it simple to order anything online and have it delivered or picked up in-store within a day. However, Amazon, Home Depot, and other stores also sell these goods. If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can get free two-day shipping on the majority of these items. Join an Amazon Prime free trial if you don’t already have one, which entitles you to free shipping for 30 days, where applicable.

The National Weather Service and local authorities have provided the following advice.

A complete roadside emergency kit

For less than $40 on Amazon, you can purchase this highly regarded HLWDFLZ Winter Traveler Roadside Emergency and Safety Kit, which has almost everything you need in a one package. Although this is the most affordable and highly regarded option for a full kit, you could purchase this Vetoos Car Roadside Emergency Kit for little less than $60 if you wanted something a little more substantial with a few extra tools.

First aid kit

Keeping a first aid kit on hand is a good idea. Stock it with materials that could be useful in an emergency, such as bandages, gauze, pain medicine, disinfectant, scissors, and other items. Other options include Home Depot and Amazon.

Chains or snow socks for your car tires

If you don’t already have a pair, figure out what size traction device you need by measuring the tires on your car. You can then purchase snow socks or chains from AutoZone or Amazon. Additionally, you can purchase in person from nearby stores like Les Schwab or from other locations.

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You can examine our comprehensive winter weather driving guide and watch our video to learn how to place chains on your tires to drive in snow and other dangerous winter weather conditions if you need a refresher on driving in the snow.

Jumper cables

Cables for jumpers are essential. Store them in the trunk of your car. It’s likely that someone else in need will wish you had them, even if you don’t need them. Additional options:Home Depot and Amazon

Flashlight with fresh batteries

Store a functional flashlight and new batteries in your glove box, center console, or door compartment. Don’t hide anything in the trunk, where it can be hard to find. Additional options:Home Depot and Amazon

Phone charger

Before you drive in hazardous conditions, make sure your phone is completely charged. In the event that your car loses power and you are unable to charge your phone, carry a fully charged portable phone charger. Additional options:Home Depot and Amazon

Battery-powered radio

The best options for backup communication devices are hand-cranked or battery-powered radios in case your cell phone breaks down, the battery runs out, or there is no service. Additional options:Home Depot and Amazon

Roadside flares

Although it might seem excessive, if your car is on the side of the road at night, flares and a reflective triangle can assist tow truck drivers and emergency responders notice it. Additional options:Home Depot and Amazon

Lighter(s) and fire starters

These waterproof Inflame Fire Starters are smaller than flares and can be beneficial if you ever find yourself in a real survival situation when you need to create a tiny fire to remain warm during a harsh winter emergency. They cost about $20. An All-in-One Flint and Steel Fire Starter Kit is another option. You can always acquire a basic pack of reliable disposable lighters for about $10 if you need a less expensive choice. Or, for less than $10 on Amazon, try one of these rechargeable, waterproof USB electric lighters.

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Extra hat, mittens and warm clothes

A few more layers of clothing are probably necessary if you have to walk for assistance or are stranded in a cold car for an extended period of time. Each person in the car should have an extra cap, scarf, sweatshirt, gloves, winter boots, and socks. (You can put old favorites in the car with new clothes.) Additional options:Home Depot and Amazon

Blankets or a sleeping bag

While it is not advised to sleep in a car during the winter, blankets or sleeping bags might provide additional warmth while you wait for assistance. (The old blanket in the car can be replaced with a new one on your bed.) Additional options:Home Depot and Amazon


Store high-calorie, non-perishable food in the center console or glovebox. A ziploc bag packed of protein bars, cereal, nuts, dried fruit, and crackers would work.Chips and candy also work. Additional options:Home Depot and Amazon


Always carry fresh water, but avoid leaving bottles in the backseat or trunk since they may freeze solid. Reusable water containers are excellent. Additional options:Home Depot and Amazon

Ice scraper

Every car should have a portable snow brush or ice scraper. Avoid leaving it in the garage and don’t be duped into believing that a credit card or your gloved hand will suffice. Additional options:Home Depot and Amazon


Shovels aren’t only for porch steps and driveways. In the event that you become caught in deep snow, a small, collapsible shovel can be useful. Additional options:Home Depot and Amazon

Kitty litter or sand

Having a container of cat litter (make sure it’s non-clumping) or a tube of road sand in the trunk can mean the difference between calling a tow truck and going on your way. To get the traction you need to get out of a bind, spread the sand or trash around the driven wheels. Additional options:Home Depot and Amazon

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A checklist for getting your family ready for an emergency at home or in the community

Ready.gov offers advice on how to respond quickly at home and in the event of a public attack.

Other tips for winter weather travel

Examine the forecast: Take note of any potentially dangerous situations before you get on the road. The vacation might be worth reconsidering. Check here for the most recent local weather information.

Give a pal a call:In inclement weather, notify people by text or phone of your departure time, destination, and expected arrival time. Inform them when you get there.

Fill up the tank: In bad weather, traffic often moves slowly as drivers try to stay on the road and as cars are being towed out of ditches. To prevent the need for roadside assistance because of an empty tank, keep the gas tank close to full. Additionally, keeping it close to full will keep ice from accumulating in the fuel pipes and tank.

Checklist for vehicle safety: Make sure all fluid levels are full before leaving, especially before a longer drive, and that the heater, lights, and windshield wipers are operating correctly. Additional options:Home Depot and Amazon

Go slowly: Reduce your speed if you must drive in hazardous conditions, such as snow. It can be challenging to notice black ice. Drive as though you’re on ice if the temperature is close to freezing; you might be.

Bring a companion: Traveling in groups is always safer than traveling alone.

— This narrative was put together using Janet Eastman’s initial reporting.

January winter storm

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